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[PDF] A Primer For DAZ Studio 2n |VERIFIED|

6 Quick Start Our First 3D Scene Studio uses 3D assets A program like Studio allows you to create a scene using 3D assets. Think of Studio as your own virtual, potentially infinite, photographer's studio. In it you can pose models, add objects, pose lights, and then take a photograph. While using Studio you pick from a library of premade 3D assets, such as people, clothing, cars, buildings, weapons, and so on. Once you select an object, you place it in the scene and change its place until you find an arrangement that works for the image that you have in mind. Throughout this book, we will see many different types of 3D assets. Some of these assets come with Studio; they are installed with the program so that you can start getting results within minutes after finishing the installation. Other assets can be added by either purchasing them or by downloading them from free repositories on the Web. Refer to Appendix, Installing DAZ Studio, for step-by-step instructions on how to install DAZ Studio on your computer. Customizing Studio After you install Studio, the program presents itself with a predefined scene that shows a gray human figure standing in the standard T pose. [ 8 ]

[PDF] A Primer For DAZ Studio 2n


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